February 12, 2013

Apple iOS Based Curved Glass iWatch

Apple –  which has scrutinized the world of technology from a very close eye. From Apple I ( the first personal computer kit in 1976 ) to the latest iPhone 5, Apple has revolutionized the way people live. Apple is always experimenting new stuff to create a blast in the technology field. From some Wall Street journal and NYTIMES it has came to our knowledge that nowadays apple is experimenting on some new stuff which was previously in the rumor stage since 2011.  Apple is working on an iWatch which will be iOS based with curved glass features. Back in 2011 , there were some rumors around the internet regarding this watch , but at that time it was only a rumor. Now this rumor has turned into experiment and soon it might be seen in the markets.

Apple iOS based iWatch

Apple has not disclosed any of its features yet or any of its release date , it seems that this project is still in development stage. Apple is working on some of the wearable forms of the watch and is experimenting on human hands that how it will going to curve on the human hands . Corning, whose Gorilla glass is already used in the iPhone has developed a thin glass and this glass can be curved on the cylindrical object which means that it can also be used on human hands. It will be like iPod Nano on the wrist. Apple has been collaborating with its primary manufacturer Foxconn to work on this new idea and come with some new prototype. This watch will provide a new path to connect the phones with watch which means more portability.

An official statement form the Apple is still not released so these are just rumors ! Keep refreshing for more updates.

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