June 7, 2013

Cisco Visual Networking Index ( VNI ) Forecast 2012-2017 – The Future Of Internet

Planning for tomorrow require the big picture view, with the Cisco Visual Networking Index ( VNI ) you can explore the vision of the future of global IP networking. By the year 2017 , nearly 50% of the worlds population will use internet. People will witness the rise of portable devices and connected TVs as major traffic contributors over the next 5 years. In fact the world PCs will account for only about half of Global IP traffic by 2017. Six billion machine to machine connections will be propelling the internet of things and those connected things will increase the Global M2M IP Traffic six times more.The worlds average fix broadband speed will increase 3 and a half times with over half of those connections delivering the networks speed up to 10 megabits per second. Many communities around the world will even have 100Mbps of speed . This will be due to Fiber-to-the-home network access and other advanced technologies.
Cisco Visual Networking Index 2012 - 2017
You will love to download full HD movies in 2 min on your 100Mbps connection. This all will lead to 1.4 Zettabytes of IP Traffic traversing the global network annually. That's more traffic in one year than it was generated in nearly 3 decades of Internet age combined. Every region in the world will play a role in shaping the Zettabyte era. Regionally Asia Pacific will generate most IP traffic by 2017. While Middle East and Africa will continue to be the fastest growing IP traffic region over the forecast period. At the country level, United States and China will generate the most IP traffic , while India , Indonesia and South Africa will have the highest IP traffic growth rates. For More details visit Cisco.

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