December 12, 2012

A Vulnerability Found In Internet Explorer

A recent news is revolving around the internet that internet explorers are found to be vulnerable and hackers can now track your mouse movements across the screen , which can be very dangerous . All the data which you type on your virtual keyboards can now be revealed and can be tracked. Internet explorer versions 6 to 10 are all proved vulnerable and hackers can steal all the data which you type on virtual keyboards. The phenomena of virtual keyboards was basically installed to reduce the chances of key logging and securing all your data which you enter on the keypad, but now this glitch in the Microsoft's internet explorer has turn the tables down.

A Vulnerability Found In Internet Explorer has discovered that now your passwords can be read easily from tracking your mouse movements, even if the window in minimized. Web analytics companies already disclosed this problem back in October and they are using this method to track the cursor movements.

This thing can easily be done because the only thing hacker needs to know is what web page and layout with onscreen keypad , the user was using in order to attack .

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