February 24, 2013

The Most Excited Google Glass Explorer–Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook CEO is very much excited about the Google Glass and he showed his secret interest in one of the meetings in San Francisco at University of California where Google Co- founder Sergey Brin and Mark Zuckerberg were there for the Meeting of Breakthrough Prize For Life Sciences. This Meeting is held every year where 5 scientist are selected for the prize of $3 million each for their impressive creativity to Think big , Take risks and have made a significant impact on the human life.

Google Glass explored by Facebook CEO

According to the Forbes, Sergey Brin didn’t came to the stage because he was busy in the audience with his Google Glasses on to take Photos of his wife. As soon as the event was finished ,Mark Zukerberg walked to Sergey Brin and share some business ideas. Their conversation became more interesting when Zukerberg showed interest in Google Glasses and told him that “ I can’t wait to get my own “ , Then Brin adjusted his glasses on Zukerberg’s head and allow him to experience the new upcoming technology.
Lately last month Facebook CEO Mark Zukerberg said at the Fourth Quarter earnings call,
“Even though our relationship isn’t one where the companies really talk, we are able to do a bunch of things and build some great experiences”
And then again the companies talked on Wednesday in California and shared their views about developing new ideas for Google Glasses. Mark also stated that Facebook has a team of three engineers led by a former Google employee , who are waiting for the Glasses to be shipped so that they can start building applications. It means that their will be a lot more upcoming applications which will come after the product
Mark Zukerberg played with Google Glasses at his best and tried many of voice commands by saying “ Ok Glass” a few times. “There isn't a way to specify destination indoors using Google Glasses” said Brin when Mark asked him about indoor directions. Which means Mark has given a new idea to Brin ! I hope they work on this.

Google Glasses are one of the most anticipated product of 2013 and after seeing Zukerberg’s interest it seems that this product will definitely be a great technology product to explore. Well lets wait till the end of this year. The Google Glasses will release at the end of this year according to the Verge with a price tag of about less than $1500 . 

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