April 13, 2013

Intel- How Big Data Can Make Big Impact On Company Bottom Line

You might have heard about Big data, But some of you might be wondering what is it? and why should i care? For starters the big data is really huge.Day by day data is getting bigger and bigger. From the dawn of time  to less then a decade ago, mankind generated about 5 Exabyte's of data. In 2012 it was estimated that the Global data would grow to 2.7 Zettabytes which is 500  time  more data then ever generated prior to 2003, and its going to grow 3 times more by 2015.

Big Data can Make big impact By Intel

One of the big reasons that data is getting bigger is that it is continuously being generated from more sources and more devices. Much of that data like video, photos, comments , social media forums, reviews on websites and so on is unstructured.That means the data is stored with structured pre defined tables , instead it is often made up of volumes of text, dates, numbers, and facts that are typically free form by nature. Certain data sources are arriving so fast that there is no time to store it before even applying analytics to it, and that why traditional data management and analytics tools alone don't enable IT to store , manage, process and analyze big data. So , we could just ignore big data, after all its is worth the effort? which turns out to be yes.

A recent Gartner study concluded that only 10% to 15% of organizations will take full advantage of big data ,but those that do will outperform their unprepared competitors by 20% across major financial matrix. You can guess it how big it would be. But in order to generate that level of insight and competitive advantage of big data, innovative new approaches and technologies are required because the big data you are looking at is like a mountain and you are trying to uncover those tiny but game changing competitors smacking golden nuggets of insight and knowledge that transform how effectively you do business.So you can get an idea how big data is important for a company and what is its impact.

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