July 23, 2013

The Future Of IT And Business – Facts And Figures

Information Technology ( IT ) and Business is changing day by day. Our life is becoming more digital than ever before. We are living in exponential times. 2/3 of all human in history who have lived to 65 are currently alive. Yet over 1/2 of the worlds population is under 25 . There are 7 billion people on earth and almost 4 in 10 live in India or China , the worlds leading countries in population growth. It is estimated that by 2025 , earth population will reach 8 billion . Every day more and more Android phones are activated, than babies are born. By 2017 there will be more cell phones on earth than people. The average person checks their phone 150 times a day or once every 6.5 minutes As Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said in 2007,

Predictions For The Future

Today the iPhone is bigger than the whole of Microsoft, it has 3x the amount of cash to spend then the US federal Government. Since Sony Playstation launched in 2004, gamers have collectively spent 5.9 million years playing World of Warcraft, longer then the entire existence of the human race. In 2011, Amazon’s Kindle books sold more copies than hardbacks and paper backs put together.Last year the world took 375 billion photos, which is 12,000 every second. 1 in 10 photos ever taken were taken in the last 12 months.

Future of IT

In 2011, 18 zettabytes ( that's 21 zeroes) of data was stored, enough information to fill 5.7 billion 32GB iPads. With that many iPads you could build the Great Wall of China at twice its original height. Data is doubling every 2 years. By 2020 , we will have 50x the amount of digital information we have now and only 1.5x the amount of IT staff to manage it. By the time you have read this article , 2,425 new websites will have been created , Facebook users will have shared 2,909,030 pieces of content , Google will have dealt with over 8,500,000 search queries, 199,750 apps will have been downloaded from Apple , 867,708,330 emails will have been sent and 15,300 new photos will have been shared on Instagram.

Future predictions

The face of travel is also changing. The worlds airlines now fly 10% slower than in 1960 to save fuel. The airbus A380 – The worlds largest airliner is more fuel efficient per head than a Toyota Prius. Boeing 747’s have flown 3.5 billion people , that 1 in 2 people on earth. Even though only 5% of people have been on a plane. 100,00 schedules commercial flights take off every day over 14,00 of these are in the air at any one time. By 2025, passenger numbers will have grown by 6x. The worlds largest hotel chain IHG ( InterContinental hotel Group ) have over 4,480 properties. Today Chinese chain Hanting Inns owns, 1,000 hotels but it opens a new hotel every 2 days. By 2020 it will own 10,000 hotels. Travel and Tourism  2011 GDP has been calculated of about $6.3 trillion which is 9% of the global GDP and more than Brazil , Russia and India combined GDP’s.Travel and tourism provides 1 in 12 of all jobs employing 260 million people.

What roles does Travelport play ? In the time it has taken to read this article, Travelport has completed over 225,000 Air, Hotel and Car searches ( almost 900 per second ) and they have managed over 2,300 air passenger movements. In 2012 , Travelport delivered over 17 million car rentals. Their data center can store 8 million GB of data which is enough capacity for 4 copies of every book in every academic research facility in the US up to 42,00 messages processed per second , which is 2 billion a day, 730 billion a year. They create 1.2 billion itineraries every day equivalent to one for every man , woman and child living in India today.

We can’t predict the future but we can help to deliver it

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