May 6, 2013

Radio Frequency Identification Chips Enclosed In Paper

Have you ever considered the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips to be enclosed on a thin paper besides regular products from hotel towels to soccer jerseys? This is now possible, scientist has developed a way to embed the RFID Chips on thin papers making it Smart Money. You can imagine if this Technology comes to the real environment, the ratio of the frauds and counterfeiting will be so much less that even your lost money can also be tracked. for example if you lost your $100 bill on a street .You will be able to track your bill wherever it is through that Radio Identification Chips embedded in that paper.

Radio frequency identification

This Technology is developed by a team of researchers from North Dakota State University making (RFID) paper a potential Smart paper that can be used in legal documents like Tickets, Package labels and Banknotes. This (RFID) Technology already exist in the real world but those chips are really thick, and if they managed to embed that thick chip on a paper , it will result in bulky and bumpy paper that is difficult to print. Researchers developed a process called Laser Enabled Advanced Packaging that creates Ultra-thin silicon chips that can be embedded in paper.

Project leader Val Marinov said that the process is simple , it uses a plasma etcher to thin down the chips, then uses a laser beam pulse to insert the chips and antennas in the papers. He told that this process is very cheap and uses less material and equipment's to make such kind of paper which is twice as fast as other methods.

This idea is nothing new, About ten years back the Bank of Japan and European Bank got an idea to develop such kind of technology but they weren't able to succeed due to less resources at that time but now this is the first scheme leaded by Marinov to develop (RFID) tag embedded in paper. The researchers has presented their work at the institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering conference on RFID in Orlando,Fla.

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