May 6, 2013

Two Dimensional Billboard Advertisement Only Children Can See

Child abuse is very common nowadays, children's are treated in a very bad manner by their aggressor. Many of the child abuse cases remains hidden because children's are not able to speak about the abuse which they experience because of fear. Keeping this risky situation in mind ANAR foundation in Spain has developed a unique phone number 116 111 to attend children's and teenagers under a risky situation. Making this unique phone number secret , on advertisement company has designed a clever billboard which can only be viewed by children's. You might be thinking how can this be possible but I will show you how.

advertising techniques

The clever advertisement billboard is designed in such a way that people shorter than 4”5” will see some other message and people above 4’5’ will see some other content through Lenticular lens. A Lenticular lens is an array magnifying lens designed in such a way that when it is viewed from different angles, different images are generated. This billboard uses the same technique and designed in such a way that when a child see that it will reflect the following message,

“ If somebody hurts you , Phone us We’ll help you .” with a confidential number on the right side.
People above 4’5 (adults) will see the following message,
““Sometimes, child abuse is only visible to the child suffering it”

This is a clever advertisement for adults and children's so that children's can get help and adults can get a warning.

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